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Justification for our participation in the TRINO project

The regions of Tierra de Campos, Tierra del Pan and Norte del Duero possess great natural wealth, supported by the existence of territories that are protected by different protection frameworks.

This wealth covers 65,850.88 ha of territory declared to be a ZEPA (Special Protection Area for Birds, from the Spanish acronym), in addition to 4,298.6 ha of LICs (Sites of Community Interest), making up more than 35% of A.D.R.I. Palomares’ land.

There are four ZEPAs in the area: the Tierra del Pan Zepa, with 11,404.38 ha in the region; the Penillanuras Campos-Sur ZEPA, with 19,165.44 ha; the Penillanuras Campos-Norte ZEPA, with 1,748.48 ha; and the Lagunas de Villafáfila ZEPA, with 32,532.59 ha., declared a Nature Preserve and included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Treaty).

The TRINO project offers the possibility of making the region’s bird wealth known, taking advantage of opportunities provided by cooperation with other Local Action Groups to reach potential visitors, who would be imposible to reach without the strength of cooperation.

At the same time, establishments in the area will be able to train themselves in order to offer better and more specific service to birdwatching clients, as the tourism opportunities offered by the area would be complemented by active tourism activities offered by companies.

Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

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