Geographical Area (Municipalities)
The area in which the Local Action Group of the Association for the Internal Development of the Central Area of Valladolid comprises 40 municipalities, representing a total surface area of 1,205 km2. Its borders are the Montes Torozos to the north, the River Duero to the south, Zamora Province to the west and Alfoz de Valladolid and some localities of Palencia Province and the River Pisuerga to the east.
The municipalities that belong to the area in which the LAG operates are: Quintanilla de Trigueros, Trigueros del Valle, Corcos, Cubillas de Santa Marta, Mucientes, Peñaflor de Hornija, Torrelobatón, San Pelayo, Wamba, Castromembibre, Barruelo del Valle, Torrecilla de la Torre, Tiedra, Mota del Marqués, Adalia, Ciguñuela, Castrodeza, Villasexmir, San Salvador, Valladolid, Benafarces, Robladillo, Gallegos de Hornija, Vega de Valdetronco, Villán de Tordesillas, Casasola de Arión, Velliza, Geria, Berceruelo, Marzales, Bercero, Velilla, Villalar de los Comuneros, Pedrosa del Rey, Matilla de los Caños, Tordesillas, San Miguel del Pino, Torrecilla de la Abadesa, San Román de Hornija, Tordesillas, Torrecilla de la Abadesa, Pollos, and Villalbarba.