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Justification for our participation in the TRINO project

Honorse - Tierra de Pinares decided to join the TRINO Project in 2009 because of the region’s potential to use its bird resources. The wealth of birds takes on a special interest in several areas that have been declared ZEPAs (Special Protection Areas for Birds, from the Spanish acronym) and LICs (Sites of Community Interest, also from the Spanish acronym), included in the NATURA 2000 ecological network, with the Lagunas de Cantalejo (Cantalejo Lakes) being especially noteworthy. Likewise, there are other well-known nature reserves, such as the Zonas Húmedas Catalogadas (Catalogued Wetlands), which include a large part of the region’s lake systems, or the classification of a large part of the region’s territory as an Area of Special Importance for the Black Swan, which ensures the conservation of different bird species’ habitats which cannot be found in the Tierra de Pinares region of Segovia. These areas, together with others that, even though they are not protected are of great interest for birds, such as the limestone highlands and northern gorges of the River Duratón, make the Tierra de Pinares region of Segovia stand out as a birdwatching destination. By participating in the TRINO Project, the Honorse – Tierra de Pinares Association aims to encourage knowledge and conservation of birds for both tourists and the local population, while at the same time offering a new activity to the area that diversifies the region’s possibilities for tourists and encourages new job creation, without forgetting about the importance of training the different actors and establishments involved in the tourism industry so that they can provide an adequate birdwatching and nature experience, all the while respecting sustainability and good environmental practices.

Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

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