| CORK OAK WOOD AROUND ZAMAYÓN - VALDELOSACHARACTERISTICS OF ROUTE Type of route Circular Distance 14 km Degree of difficulty Low Duration on foot 3½ hours Duration by bicycle 1½ hours Recommended time of year Spring & Autumn | |
ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThis good long walk only covers a small portion of the vast dehesa of Cork Oaks, considered the biggest publicly managed dehesa in the whole of Castilla y León. The route starts and finishes in Zamayón, passing through the village of Valdelosa. The first part of the route before arriving in Valdelosa, allows us to see some marvellous specimens of Cork Oak, identifiable for their reddish colour trunk once their cracked bark of greyish colour has been harvested. Rockroses and lavenders also accompany us on the route, in a special area for many species of birds, of which the most emblematic is the Black Stork. The way back to Zamayón passes through an area of Holm Oak and Cork Oak dehesa, majestic and centennial trees, where it is easy to see birds such as Kites, Little Owls, Azure-winged Magpies, Cuckoos and Swallows, amongst others. GAL: NORDESTE DE SALAMANCA Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. listening to audio guide Elevation graph
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