| SANTA TERESA RESERVOIRCHARACTERISTICS OF ROUTE Type of route Circular Distance 9.7 km Degree of difficulty Low Duration on foot 2½ hours Duration by bicycle - Recommended time of year All year, especially Winter | |
ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThe reservoir of Santa Teresa, in the south-eastern part of the province of Salamanca, was created when the River Tormes was dammed in 1960. Since then both the inhabitants of the area and the local wildlife have adapted to it and learnt to take advantage of its benefits. This circular route starts and finishes in Pelayos; one part follows the bank of the reservoir, and then it climbs allowing views of the whole reservoir, the surrounding dehesa, and the green river banks along the edges of the arable and livestock fields. Winter is the best season for observing birdlife: thousands of Common Cranes spend the night in the area, gathering daily at sunset to roost. Other water birds use this stretch of water for resting and feeding, such as Mallards, Pochards, and Black-headed Gulls. Notable among the birds of prey are the Booted Eagle, Black-winged Kite, Black Kite and Short-toed Eagle. GAL: ADRECAG Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. listening to audio guide Elevation graph
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