| LAGOONS OF VILLASANDINOCHARACTERISTICS OF ROUTE Type of route Circular Distance 7.5 km Degree of difficulty Low Duration on foot 2 hours Duration by bicycle 45 minutes Recommended time of year Spring | |
ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThis easy and interesting route, appropriate for all ages, begins in the municipality of Villasandino, in the centre west of the province of Burgos, an area dedicated principally to cereal and livestock farming, where one notices the presence of the Rivers Odra, Pisuerga and their tributaries. The route approaches the lagoons from the village of Villasandino along a track which follows the edge of the riverside vegetation of the River Odra. Despite the disturbance caused by the A-231 Dual Carriageway which passes through the middle of the area of the lakes, these wetlands are home to aquatic birds like the Mallard, Eurasian Coot, and Marsh Harrier, as well as species typical of the cereal plains such as the Crested Lark, Northern Wheatear, Montagu’s Harrier and also Lesser Kestrels, which permanently nest in a nearby abandoned village. In addition, it is possible to see Great Bustards between the concentration paths that lead to the villages of Villaveta, Villasandino, Padilla de Abajo, Grijalba and Sasamón, all of which are appropriate for transit by bicycle. GAL: ADECO CAMINO Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. listening to audio guide Elevation graph
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